Kidney Diseases

Kidneys are the organs that filter the waste and also manage the blood flow in the body. It is very important for the kidneys to function properly as losing their filter ability means the accumulation of dangerous level of wastes which can create a disturbance in the chemical makeup of your body. There are many signs they develop in later stages that can be possible Kidney failure symptoms in the patient and Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease is helpful to reduce symptoms.

Kidney disease can be caused due to many reasons such as blood or fluid loss, heart disease, heart attack, blood pressure medications, infection, severe allergic reaction, liver failure, severe dehydration, direct injury to the kidneys, blockage in urine drainage tubes, use of drugs like aspirin and other drugs for a long time, intake of toxins such as alcohol and cocaine, bladder cancer, kidney stones, urinary tract infection and prostate cancer. Most people go for allopathic treatment but Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda has proven much more effective in long term. Karma Ayurveda is also one of the best Ayurvedic Hospital in India for kidney disease treatment which stop kidney dialysis with the help of Ayurvedic medicine for Kidney Treatment.

Ayurvedic kidney specialist | Ayurvedic kidney treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Failure, Chronic kidney Disease Treatment

Shree Sai Anand Ayurved Panchakarma Center provides Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure varied kidney diseases likeNephrotic Syndrome; polycystic kidney disease, acute kidney disease and chronic kidney disease treatment stage (1-5).

  • Nephrotic syndrome is caused due to harmful deposits of proteins in the body leading to failing of kidney functions
  • Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic problem which causes the cyst to grow inside the kidneys
  • Acute kidney disease is the sudden condition in which kidneys fail to filter the waste and liquids from the body
  • Chronic kidney disease treatment stage(1-5) is a slowly progressive disease and its symptoms are usually visible in the advanced stages